See more early tampons: A.C.C. Tamponettes, Fibs, B-ettes, Cashay, Daints, Dale, EZO, fax, Holly-Pax, Lotus, LOX, Moderne Woman, Tampax & many more
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Sta-Pacs menstrual tampons
(1930s? Sta-Pacs or Stapacs Company, U.S.A.)


Introduction & box - the tampon - the instructional leaflet

Procter & Gamble kindly donated the box and contents as part of a gift of scores of menstrual products.

Below: The leaflet included in the box measures as shown 7 x 5.25" (17.7 x 13.2 cm) to be folded in half to make four pages.
Right below you see pages 4 and 1.
The Sta-Pacs logo (p. 1, at right) changed from the one on the box, usually a design mistake since you lose "corporate identity." Also, at least modern graphic design tut-tuts too many typefaces, seen here; this too destroys corporate identity.
The long introductory paragraph at left seems to give away the tampon's age as belonging to the 30s or maybe the 1940s.
Below: Interior of the leaflet, pages 2 & 3.
Somebody - not me! - probably crossed out part of number 10 to eliminate "wrapped in sanitary cellophane and is"; I don't think the leaflet would enter the market this way. I enlarged that line in the last image, below.
I found no trace of cellophane in the opened and damaged box although several of the tampons look as if no one had fiddled with them. It could be that someone at Procter & Gamble (or elsewhere) crossed the line out after noting the lack of cellophane BUT it's also possible that this is a test box - someone was editing the text for the market-ready leaflet. Supporting this idea is that there is no patent number or trade mark sign anywhere, maybe to be added somewhere later. But most of these early American tampons had no patent or trademark indications anyway, Tampax being a huge exception. (See links to older tampons in the column at left or at the bottom of the page.)
The initial language - "internal sanitary tampon," "completely replaces the cumbersome sanitary pad" - indicates that tampons were still fairly new to consumers. "Most fastidious young ladies and women" and "apply [the tampon]" ring old fashioned. These observations point to the 1930s or 1940s as to the date of this tampon.
"Progressive step" is interesting and I wonder what it means. Is Sta-Pacs an intermediate solution?
Item 4: "The special tube plunger" seems to be exactly the thing Tampax patented. Is Sta-Pacs just a rip-off? This remark points out that the user might have never seen such a wonder, which emphasizes the case for a 1930s date. Almost all early tampons had no insertion tubes, Tampax again being the exception.

End Older tampons: A.C.C. Tamponettes, Fibs, B-ettes, Cashay, Daints, Dale, EZO, fax,
Holly-Pax, Lotus, LOX, Moderne Woman, Tampax & many more - All tampons on this site

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