CONTRIBUTE to Humor, Words and expressions about menstruation and Would you stop menstruating if you could?
Some MUM site links:

MUM address & What does MUM mean? |
Email the museum |
Privacy on this site |
Who runs this museum?? |
Amazing women! |
Art of menstruation (and awesome ancient art of menstruation) |
Artists (non-menstrual) |
Asbestos |
Belts |
Bidets |
Birth control and religion |
Birth control drugs, old |
Birth control douche & sponges |
Founder bio |
Bly, Nellie |
MUM board |
Books: menstruation & menopause (& reviews) |
Cats |
Company booklets for girls (mostly) directory |
Contraception and religion |
Contraceptive drugs, old |
Contraceptive douche & sponges |
Costumes |
Menstrual cups |
Cup usage |
Dispensers |
Douches, pain, sprays |
Essay directory |
Extraction |
Facts-of-life booklets for girls |
Famous women in menstrual hygiene ads |
Feminine napkin, towel, pad directory |
Founder/director biography |
Gynecological topics by Dr. Soucasaux |
Humor |
Huts |
Links |
Masturbation |
Media coverage of MUM |
Menarche booklets for girls and parents |
Miscellaneous |
Museum future |
Norwegian menstruation exhibit |
Odor |
Olor |
Pad, towel, napkin directory |
Patent medicine |
Poetry directory |
Products, some current |
Puberty booklets for girls and parents|
Religion |
Religi�n y menstruaci�n |
Your remedies for menstrual discomfort |
Menstrual products safety |
Sanitary napkin, towel, pad directory |
Seguridad de productos para la menstruaci�n |
Science |
Shame |
Slapping, menstrual |
Sponges |
Synchrony |
Tampon directory |
Early tampons |
Teen ads directory |
Tour of the former museum (video) |
Towel, pad, sanitary napkin directory |
Underpants & panties directory |
Videos, films directory |
Words and expressions about menstruation |
Would you stop menstruating if you could? |
What did women do about menstruation in the past? |
Washable pads |
Read 10 years (1996-2006) of articles and Letters to Your MUM on this site.
Leer la versi�n en espa�ol de los siguientes temas: Anticoncepci�n y religi�n, Breve rese�a - Olor - Religi�n y menstruaci�n - Seguridad de productos para la menstruaci�n.

The Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health
Former museum�Future�Comic strip about a visit to the museum

Tampon, napkin, menstruation & puberty ads on this site
for teenage girls

Professor Joan Brumberg discusses advertising directed at teenagers in her book The Body Project, which should be required reading for everybody.
If a manufacturer can convince a teen to use its pad or tampon, chances are good she will continue to use that product throughout her life. (The same applies to cigarettes and many other products, which explains the current effort in the U.S.A. to restrict cigarette advertising to post adolescents, who are less likely to be beginner smokers.)
The taboo nature of menstruation inhibits many women from openly discussing and comparing menstrual hygiene products, which gives manufacturers the upper hand. Openness is better. It's interesting that in most of the ads shown here, girls DO consult with each other, and choose the product advertised.
Boys figure heavily in this teen advertising. The right product gets the guy! And how humiliating if he discovers she is menstruating!
See famous woman, some under twenty, in menstrual products advertising, and facts-of-life booklets for girls. Read most of the 1928 Kotex booklet Marjorie May's Twelfth Birthday, and all of the Kotex booklets (mid 1930s) Marjorie May's Twelfth Birthday, Marjorie May Learns About Life, and Facts About Menstruation that every Woman should know.
See a teacher's menstrual education kit from Modess (early 1950s).
See many American ads at http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu:80/dynaweb/adaccess/beauty/
Site directories for tampons, early American tampons, pads, and underwear.
(Historic ads below) See BOOKLETS companies made for teenage girls & wome

"I wish my Daughter would --
  I wish my Mother would --"
  (U.S.A., Kotex pads, May 1941)
"Got any secret longings?" (U.S.A., Kotex pads, June 1941)
"Smile - Sister, Smile!" (U.S.A., Kotex pads, probably early 1940s)
"You're fit to be tied!..." (U.S.A., Kotex pads, probably early 1940s)
"Boys, clothes, parties, dates" (U.S.A., Kotex napkins and belts, 1941)
"Why was I born a Woman?" (U.S.A., Kotex pads, Sept. 1941) She plays solitaire, a card game.
"It just isn't fair!" (U.S.A., Kotex napkins, Nov. 1941)
"How do they do it?" (U.S.A., Kotex napkins and belts, 1942)
"And I promised Mom" (U.S.A., Kotex napkins and "As One Girl To Another" booklet, 1943)
Are you in the know? (U.S.A., Kotex napkins and Quest napkin powder, 1944)
Are you in the know? (U.S.A., Kotex napkins, World War II)
Are you in the know? (U.S.A., Kotex napkins, November 1945)
Features STUPOR-MAN, a nerd � la 1945. A cruel ad. But funny. He emerges in other Kotex ads.
Are you in the know? (U.S.A., Kotex napkins, Feb. 1946) With a micro-bio of genius illustrator Irving Nurick, Jewish hero of a WASP series.
Are you in the know? (U.S.A., Kotex napkins, late 1940s-1950s?)
Are you in the know? (U.S.A., Kotex napkins, late 1940s-1950s?)
Are you in the know? GREAT BOOKLET (U.S.A., Kotex napkins and belts, 1956)
Are you in the know? (U.S.A., Kotex napkins and Quest napkin powder, 1948)
Are you in the know? (U.S.A., Kotex napkins and belts, 1949)
Are you in the know? (U.S.A., Kotex napkins and belts, 1949)
Are you in the know? (U.S.A., Kotex napkins and belts, 1950s)
Are you in the know? (U.S.A., Kotex pads and belts, 1952)
Are you in the know? (U.S.A., Kotex napkins, 1953)

Are you in the know? (U.S.A., Kotex napkins, October 1953) Compares typical Are you in the know? WASP characters with the most beautiful face in Britain for 2012, Florence Colgate's. It's a match.

Are you in the know? (U.S.A., Kotex napkins and belts, 1964)
Carefree (Germany, Johnson & Johnson, 1983 & 1989) two ads for preteens and young teens
Carefree (Germany, Johnson & Johnson, 1990)
Carefree (Germany, Johnson & Johnson, 1989, 1990)
Carefree (U.S.A., Personal Products, about 1990) colored pantiliners
Freedom (Germany, Kimberly-Clark, maker of Kotex, 1990)
Kotex (U.S.A., 1992)
Kotex (U.S.A., 1920s) features skaters
Kotex (U.S.A., 1960) features skaters
o.b. (Germany, 1978 and 1981, a tampon made in Germany by Dr. Carl Hahn GmbH, and from 1974,  in America, by Johnson & Johnson)
Pursettes (an American lubricated tampon no longer produced, July 1972)
Pursettes (U.S.A., September 1972)
Pursettes (U.S.A., August 1973)
Pursettes (U.S.A., February 1974). With an answer to Why did Pursettes fail?

Pursettes (U.S.A., May 1974) "I thought my slinky new dress wouldn't make it."

Pursettes (U.S.A., August 1974)
Pursettes (U.S.A., 1974)
Pursettes (U.S.A., 1974)
Saba (Denmark, Billed Bladet magazine, about 1975)
San-Nap-Pak (U.S.A., menstrual pads, obsolete, July 1945)
Tampax U.S.A., "Are you sure I'll still be a virgin?" (U.S.A., 1990)
Vania Girl's (France, panty pad and tampon, 1991)
AND SEE "Growing Up and Liking It, A Primer of Period Pedagogy, 1868 - 1996" by Lynn Peril