Sylvia (by Nicole
Hollander), about this museum (5 August
What did European and American women use for menstruation
in the 19th century and before?
Ads for teens (see also introductory page
for teenage advertising): Are you in the know? (Kotex napkins and Quest
napkin powder, 1948, U.S.A.), Are you in the know? (Kotex napkins, 1953,
U.S.A.), Are
you in the know?
(Kotex napkins and belts, 1964, U.S.A.), Freedom (1990, Germany), Kotex (1992, U.S.A.), Pursettes (1974, U.S.A.), Pursettes (1974, U.S.A.), Saba (1975, Denmark)
More ads for teens:
See a Modess True
or False? ad in The American Girl
magazine, January 1947, and actress Carol Lynley in
"How Shall I Tell My Daughter" booklet ad
(1955) - Modess . . .
. because ads (many dates).

I mostly
stopped updating this page in
the mid oughts but here are
Publications, radio and television around the world that have mentioned
or discussed MUM, including
British Broadcasting Corp.-TV (and the
program Everywoman, on BBC World Service
radio, and in its magazine, Eve), BBC Radio
1, Australian Broadcasting Corp., Swedish
National Radio, Irish
National Radio (2FM), Switzerland
T�l�vision Suisse Romande (Bon Entendu,
Geneva, May 2001), German TV Pro Sieben, PBS
(U.S.A.), Canadian TV (the film Under Wraps),
Moral Court show (Oct.-Nov. 2000, Fox
Network television, U.S.A.), Comedy
Central TV network (tour of MUM by
Beth Littleford on The Daily Show), German
TV RTL2, many U.S. and foreign radio
stations, including Howard Stern
(also his cable TV program), Bob
& Mike Show, The Sean Moncrieff Show
(Newstalk, radio interview by phone,
Dublin, Ireland, October 2, 2015)
Information on this MUM site assisted
in designing the pads and belts used by
the "frontier" women on Frontier House
project (WNET-TV, New York, 2001)
of Menstruation, a Field Review by the Team at
Post, 26 April 2016: "A period comes to an
end: 100 years of menstruation products."
VICE Media, September 28, 2015:
"How One Man Ran
the World's Only Menstruation Museum
from His Basement."
Atlantic, October 2015: "There Will Be Blood: The
backlash to the man who founded the
Museum of Menstruation raises the
question: Is there a right way for men
to talk about periods?"
(Perspective: The Lady Problem, Jan. 2012),
American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists Newsletter, American Health,
Anna Bella (Switzerland), Australian Net
Directory Magazine, Australian Women's
Forum, Baltimore Sun, Boing-Boing, Bust (and
I was one of the Men We Love, "Bustiest," in
the Fall 2000 issue), Chatelaine, Chicago
Tribune (11 June 1995), Chicago Sun Times,
City Paper (Washington, D.C., 30 September
1994, and Baltimore
story 1995, updated 2007]), Cleveland
Plain Dealer, Colors (France), Concord
(Mass.) Telegraph, Corriere del Sera (Io
Donna magazine, 2005, Italy), Curve, Detroit
Free Press, Dishy magazine (Turkey, 2005),
Dolly (Australia), Eve (BBC publication for
women), Fabula, Family Practice News, Folha
de Sao Paulo (Brazil), Ft. Lauderdale
(Florida) Sun-Sentinel, Ft. Worth (Texas)
Star-Tribune, Forum Magazine,
Freizeit-Kurier (Austria), Girlfriend
(Australia), Girlfriends Magazine (U.S.A.),
The Guardian (United Kingdom), Glamour, HQ
(Australia), The (London, England)
Independent on Sunday, Internal Medicine
News, Johns Hopkins Magazine, Jump, Los
Angeles Times, Los Angeles Weekly,
Manchester Guardian (England), Il Manifesto
(Italy), Maclean's
magazine (Canada), Marie Claire (United
Kingdom, Latin America and Italy editions),
Macleans's magazine (Canada), The
Medical Reporter, Milk (Australia), MinnPost
(April 2016), Ms., Nassau Weekly (Princeton,
N.J.), The New Physician, New Scientist
magazine (U.K.), News-Letter (Johns Hopkins
University student newspaper), The New York
Times (three articles), The Nose, Ob-Gyn
News, El Pa�s (Madrid, Spain), O Globo
(Brazil), Penthouse, People Today
(Australia), Pioneer Log (Lewis and Clark
College, Oregon), Playboy, Playgirl,
POPsmear, Prince George's Journal, Print,
Prospect, The Rag (Canada), Reforma
newspaper (Mexico City), San Francisco
Chronicle, San Jose Mercury News, Sassy, SCA
Customer Magazine, SCA Inside Hygiene
Products, Self, Seventeen (U.S.A. and
Philippines), Sojourner. Der Spiegel,
Germany's largest newsmagazine, used a picture
from MUM in an online series on the history
birth control (second picture) (text
in German). Stuff (United Kingdom), Sydney
Morning Herald (2 Oct 1999) (Australia), taz (die
tageszeitung, Germany), Terrapin (University
of Maryland student newspaper), Throttle,
Toronto Star (Canada), Vagabond
(Norway), The Village Voice [book
version] (New York City), Washington
Post (original
Post article 15 April 1995; commentary, bottom
of page; and another article on 26
April 2016), Washington Times, Who
Weekly (Australia), Women's Sports and
Fitness, and other publications in England,
New Zealand, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and
Sylvia (by Nicole
Hollander), about this museum (5 August
BOOKS: America's
Strangest Museums (Sandra Gurvis;
Citadel Press, 1996); Things
On The Net Newt Wouldn't Want You To See
(B. Ballsey; Off Color Press, 1996); Offbeat
Museums (Saul Rubin; Santa Monica
Press, 1997); The
Human Sexes (Desmond Morris,
1998); The
Confronting the Last Unmentionable Taboo:
Menstruation (Karen Houppert;
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1999); The Bust Guide to the New
Girl Order
(Debbie Stoller, Marcelle Karp; Penguin USA,
1999); The Woman's
Guide to Sex on the Internet (Anne Semans and Cathy
Winks; HarperSanFrancisco, 1999); El tab� (Margarita
Rivi�re and Clara de Cominges; Editorial
Planeta, Spain, 2001); The V Book: A Doctor's
Guide to Complete Vulvovaginal Health,
(Elizabeth G. Stewart and Paula Spencer;
Bantam, Doubleday, Dell, 2002), 100 Places Every Woman
Should Go by
Stephanie Griest (Travelers' Tales,
Palo Alto, Ca., 2007)
I (Harry Finley) have entries in Who's Who in the World
and Who's Who in
ON THE WEB: Encyclopedia Britannica
Internet Guide Award; Lycos
rated MUM in the top 5% of all sites; "Best
of the Net" site for the category of
Women's Health within the About Women's
History site (October 2002); E!
Online got information from me about
the history of women's underpants (2006); The Web Magazine
gave this site its highest overall rating; The Mining Company
called this site the Best
of the Net, May 1999; and Snap!
Online called this site the Best of
the Web in the Entertainment Channel. Roadside
America, a museum-review site,
discussed MUM, as did Der Spiegel,
Germany's largest newsmagazine, used a picture
from MUM in an online series on the history
birth control (second picture) (text
in German).
About MUM:
"It's fabulous that
somebody out there is willing to . . .
pull back the curtain."
(Mona Miller, national media relations
director of the Planned Parenthood
Federation of America,
discussing this museum ["MUSEUM LIKE NO
OTHER"] in The Prince George's Journal,
Maryland, U.S.A., 4 April 1995)
(from a letter,
with original spelling, to the Museum of
Menstruation, from "Shocked, by women,"
mailed from Cheyenne, Wyoming, U.S.A., 9
March 1995)
"Stick to jock itch products, buddy."
(in a commentary about the museum and
its creator in the defunct Sassy, an
American magazine for teenage girls,
"I hope that your museum continues to
(Jane Holley Connors, executive
producer, Australian
Broadcasting Corporation, which
broadcast a 16-minute interview from the
museum, 1990s)
"Ultimately, I turned to friends and to
women in the medical profession for on-line
recommendations [for Web sites about women's
health]. Knowing my thresholds for panic,
pain and typos, they offered me a list of
Web sites that proved more useful than my
random search. My favorites included the
Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health
(, an
odd, funny and well-researched site (created by a man), on the
history of menstruation as told by women
around the world."
(Janice Maloney, "Finding Some Warm
Havens in the Web's Information Blizzard,"
Women's Health: A
Special Section, The New York Times,
21 June 1998. This site was the first of
the few sites recommended in the article.)
"It is a first for me, who has worked in
women's health for eight years, to see such
painstaking documentation of a societal
taboo. It is a
wonderful thing to give women an
alternative forum that is positive, as our
society has convinced us that the very
cycle that makes us women is somehow
unhealthy and unclean; nothing
could be further from the truth."
(Diane Imelda Fleming, Family Planning Council
Training Department, writing of this
"Also, from a
less scientific but more lively survey,
hundreds of women have posted replies to the
question 'Would you
stop menstruating if you could?' at
the online Museum of Menstruation. This gem of a website is
a virtual repository for everything you ever
wanted to know about women's periods."
(Sylvia Pag�n Westphal, in the article
"Lifting the Curse," New Scientist magazine,
16 March 2002. The only "Further reading"
listed at the end of the article was the
book Is Menstruation Obsolete? [Elsimar
Coutinho and Sheldon Segal, Oxford
University Press, 1999] and this Web site.
Read and contribute
to "Would you stop menstruating if
you could?"
"You're a brave man."
(An official of the Society for
Menstrual Cycle Research at the only
meeting of the organization I attended,
1990s. She told me this in a soft voice
while looking at the floor in an area
away from the other attendees - and
"You will be sacrificed."
(Woman visitor looking at the
museum archives, 1990s)
"Harry, you have a lot of
Former boss's boss, Department
of Defense.
� 2000-2015 Harry Finley. It is illegal to
reproduce or distribute any of the work on
this Web site in any manner or medium
without written permission of the author.
Please report suspected violations to [email protected]