
The Museum of Menstruation and
Women's Health
Former museum�Future�Comic strip about
a visit to the museum
Cats: the site directory
In this enlarged section of an
ancient family photo the founder and
director of this museum
holds one of our many cats when we
lived on an island in the
Mississippi River, the Rock Island
Arsenal. My father, an Army
engineer colonel, was responsible
for flood control on a section of
the river. I was about eight. We
look happy with one another.
list, with hierarchy (again,
these are only the original ones)
Mack C. Padd, MaxiMUM, The Distinguished
Service Institutional Wallace C.
Meyer Memorial Pouncer at the
Museum of Menstruation, Senior
Cat and Chief Tomcat
Cat Allies
(an organization urging the public
to catch, inoculate, neuter and
release feral cats; read why)
Rules for Cats Who Have a
House to Run
If the musical "Cats"
were done by cats
And if you love cats, read The Cat -
Le Chat - by Colette
In one of the French writer's
greatest stories, Alain loves his
cat, Saha, more than the young
woman he just married. Camille has
only one thing she can do - and so
does Alain, and you understand
both of them.
It's 150 pages of light, sensual
prose from 1933. I read it because
of a mention in a review of a new
biography of the writer, one of
France's best. You might have to
get it on interlibrary loan, as I
After five pages I thought, Oh,
no - only 145 pages left!
When I was a boy I thought cats
were female and dogs male. Cats
still strike me as thoroughly
female. Mini, my Maine coon cat
(missing now many years and
probably dead) was as arrogant a
male as I have ever met, but had
the finest and longest fur of my
cats, beautiful eyes and was as
slinky and watchful as any of
them. To me, very feminine.
Alain lost a wife but not
feminine companionship.
See San-Nap-Pak sanitary napkin
ads from 1932
and 1945
and Ads for
teenagers. See the roughly
contemporary Dale
tampon, and very early Tampax
and fax.
� 2000-2012 Harry Finley. It is
illegal to reproduce or distribute
work on this Web site in any
manner or medium without written
permission of the author. Please
report suspected violations to hfinley@mum.org