Just visited your site. Have your heard of Denise's mailbox to which you might consider a link?
Restrooms of the Future
Also, I have a questionnaire up on this site for women and urination
I have not had time to visit your site properly, but will. Just wondering if there are any areas of co-operation.
Misha, concentrating. Don't slip! |
I've been using my Keeper for eight years now and I adore it.
I remember when I first received it. I was so excited I had to try it out. After a few attempts I was able to insert it, but then getting it out was a bit of a task. Not one to be easily discouraged, the next day I decided to wear it to work (for some reason, I wasn't menstruating). Midday I went into the bathroom to take it out. It was a public restroom, but with just one toilet. I managed to remove the Keeper but it was so springy when I first got it that the darn thing jumped out of my hand and across the room. It was funny to me, but I'm not sure how I would have reacted in a PUBLIC restroom with it full of blood.
As I used the Keeper it got much more pliable and easy to insert. I've never had a problem with leakage or any sort of discomfort. I actually feel much more comfortable with and knowledgeable about my body and cycle since I've been using it. I recommend it to all of my friends.
I have a question. If there is no risk of TSS [toxic shock syndrome] with a Keeper why is there concern about how long it is worn? Are we supposed to take it out for extended periods of time or just to empty it? In my experience, my Keeper has never been anywhere near full, and I often wear it comfortably for 24 hours or more. I haven't had any abnormal Pap smears in all this time or any other signs of problem.
[According to Dr. Philip Tierno, even though there have been no reports of TSS with The Keeper, there haven't been enough usages, so to speak, to generate an idea of how risky it is. There is a possibility that the rubber can harbor and promote the growth of the TSS bacteria. Read his answers to similar questions. And I would say that, if possible, rinse the cup out each time. This would seem to reduce the amount of bacteria in the cup.]
One last comment: there was some concern about blood-borne pathogens mentioned. Why would they (if indeed there is a danger relating to these I don't know, but I tend to think not) be more harmful in a cup than on a tampon or pad?
[It seems to depend on the material the device is made of, and I don't see why a could would necessarily be more dangerous than tampons or pads.]
I love your site, thanks so much for expanding consciousness about menstruation! [Thank you, and you're welcome!]
Dear Harry,
Thanks for hosting this wonderful Web site. [My pleasha.] I recently purchased Instead at Target [drug store] out of curiosity. I figured, $2.00 was a reasonable investment for something I may not like. You see, I have shied away from o.b. tampons [A tampon for many years without an applicator, like the first tampons. See some ads.] for years. Since they now have an applicator, I decided to give them a try.
When I first saw Instead, my old fears, associated with o.b., resurfaced. I inserted o.b. when I was a teenager and my experience was quite unpleasant. I couldn't remove it!! Mom was in New York and I refused to tell my Dad.
Anyway, I'm 33 now and wiser. I decided to give Instead a chance. And I am happy to report, it works GREAT!!! for me. Don't think I will ever go back to tampons.
Thanks for listening.
Please, may I post a letter on your letter page?
I'm researching a documentary for the BBC [British Broadcasting Corporation] about menstruation - myths and facts and blessing or curse.
I have much information about the curse and predjudice but I am finding scant information about the blessing! I was thrilled to find medical information linking surgery for breast cancer and the menstrual cycle and the New Scientist report about differing medication levels required during the 28-day cycle, and the research about eating requirements differing during the cycle etc., but I want to hear from women who have evidence of the cycle as a blessing, for example, artists, writers, etc., who are at their most creative whilst menstruating.
I also want to meet women who practice menstrual seclusion, as with menstrual huts of the past [and of the present; women still use menstrual huts].
And anything and everything to do with research into menstruation.
Next week I am interviewing Mr Peter Redgrove and Penelope Shuttle who wrote the first book on menstruation that offered positive information, The Wise Wound, 1978. I am very excited about asking many questions resulting from the book. If you have any questions for them pertaining to the book or their second book, Alchemy for Women, about the dream cycle corresponding to the menstrual cycle, I would be delighted to forward them to them on your behalf. They are not on the net so any questions would have to have addresses!
Thank you so much for this glorious Web site [many thanks to you for saying that!] and I look forward to hearing from visitors to your site.
Ali Kedge.
[email protected] or [email protected]
Irregular menses identify women at high risk for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which exists in 6-10% of women of reproductive age. PCOS is a major cause of infertility and is linked to diabetes.