Historical remedies
for menstrual period pain and problems. See
more remedies here.
A discussion of
the letter testimonials, and their
authenticity, of the Pinkham company (in a
discussion of a Pursettes ad with a letter
See two letters to MUM about the ingredients of her
Compound, and one about the lyrics of
an English
pop song, Lily
the Pink, about her.
Other amazing women:
Nelli Bly, Dr.
Marie Stopes, Dr.
Grace Feder Thompson

The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.,
maker of medicine for headaches,
stomach illness, insomnia, depression,
cancer, tumors, women's diseases,
flatulence, menstruation, fertility, etc.:
Post Card Showing
Stanford University, probably before the
San Francisco earthquake (1906)
The Lydia Pinkham Medicine
Company and its Vegetable
Compound were everywhere.
Mrs. Pinkham, her family and her
advertising staff believed in
advertising, even to the entent of
showing educational institutions.
This card is one of a series the
company produced showing well-known
universities, such as
Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge
and, below, The Leland Stanford
Jr. University - now called
Stanford University - in Palo
Alto, California.
The colors are surreal but
beautiful, an artifact of the
color-printing capabilities of the
time. An e-mailer corrected my
date of the 1920s by noting the
intact gate, which was damaged in
the 1906 earthquake and not
NEXT: Old bottles for Lydia Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound - See more Mrs. Pinkham,
below (and see her first page)
The Schlesinger
Library, of the Radcliffe Institute for
Advanced Study, part of Harvard University,
has probably the largest
collection of material about the
Pinkham enterprise, the records of the Lydia
E. Pinkham Medicine Company.
Part of the donation of SarahAnne
Hazelwood to this museum, much of it patent
medicine and old medical equipment, was a
very interesting biography and study of Mrs.
Pinkham's business, Female
Complaints: Lydia Pinkham and the Business
of Women's Medicine, by Sarah
See two letters to MUM about the ingredients of her
Compound, and one about the lyrics of
an English
pop song, Lily
the Pink, about her.
Other amazing women:
Nelli Bly, Dr.
Marie Stopes, Dr.
Grace Feder Thompson
See also the patent
medicine Cardui,
Dr. Grace Feder Thompson's letter
appealing for patients, Dr. Pierce's
medicines, and Orange
Blossom medicine.
© 1998 Harry
Finley. It is illegal to reproduce or
distribute work on this Web site in any
manner or medium without written
permission of the author. Please report
suspected violations to [email protected]