Tampax booklets: "Accent on you . . ." (1980) (1970-80s?)
to Know Yourself (complete booklet,
1962, Pursettes lubricated tampons, U.S.A.)
Satin Learner's Kit, 2001, in 3
languages: English.
Booklet, pads & tampons
Trousse de l'�tudiante
Estuche de Aprendizaje
Tampax Junior tampons, late
Instructions from Tampax
about what to tell customers, 1936
"Educational Material on Menstruation," 1966
menstrual hygiene companies made for girls,
women and teachers - patent
medicine - a list
of books and articles about menstruation - videos
See early tampons and a
list of tampons
on this site - at least the ones I've

menstrual tampons educational
time you knew . . . ," 1966, U.S.A.
Whole booklet
and front covers
The Dutch
contributor of these
scans writes,
The date, I think, is 1966
(see page 3: copyright 1966),
edition 1969, because of the
calendar 1969-1970 and because
of the code printed on the
backside (DTB 10-1-P 769).
As I said earlier, it
resembles the booklet Accent on
you, see e.g. pages 10
& 11 with the
exercises; the drawings are
exactly the same.
But in some ways it is more serious,
not in the question-answer
format but right to the point.
See e.g. pages 14-15:
menstruation and marriage.
Hilarious to read that the
booklet's advice is "Don't take
advantage of your husband"
or "He
married a full-time wife, not
a part-time one."
On page 16
the booklet says (second line)
that Tampax appeared on the
market in 1933. I hadn't read
this before (but you came
already to the same
conclusion at your site!)
Tampax, the first tampon with an
applicator (early 1930s; read a short
history), and the first really
successful tampon, has a
long history providing information
about menstruation and tampons.
The company had to in order to
sell the tampon idea to skeptical
customers worried about losing
their virginity
(see a letter
a mother wrote to her daughter's
doctor about tampons and
hymens), losing the tampon
in the vagina, blocking the
menstrual flow, etc. Many of these
questions Tampax answered in its Bulletins
from the 1950s, in a medical
journal article, in a medical
journal ad as well as in
early commercial ads.
Tampax booklets: "Accent on you
. . ." (1980) (1970-80s?)
to Know Yourself (complete
booklet, 1962, Pursettes
lubricated tampons, U.S.A.)
Tampax Satin
Learner's Kit, 2001, in 3
languages: English.
Booklet, pads & tampons, Trousse de
l'�tudiante French, Estuche de
Aprendizaje Spanish
I thank the generous Dutch
contributor for these scans and
several other items on this
Back cover, below
The closed booklet
measures about 5" x 7 1/8"
(about 12.3 x 17.9 cm).
Front cover, below
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