Belt topics
See how women wore a belt
(and in a Swedish ad). See a
modern belt for a washable
pad and a page from the 1946-47
Sears catalog showing a great variety - ad for Hickory belts, 1920s? - Modess belts in Personal Digest
See a Modess True or False?
ad in The American Girl magazine, January 1947, and
actress Carol Lynley in "How
Shall I Tell My Daughter" booklet ad (1955) - Modess . . . . because ads (many

The Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health

The exhibit to the right (above) told simply
what menstruation is. The sanitary napkin
display surprised many visitors, especially
men, unaware of the unbelievable variety of
menstrual pads available.
The cup (far
right middle) holds a
tinted sculptor's material showing about how
much actual menstrual blood is lost in a
typical period; it's less than most
people think. Speaking of cups, see some menstrual cups.
magazine hinted in a 1994 item - a Seventeen
reporter attended the museum's opening
that hot July day as well as a Washington Post writer (Kara Swisher, later
a journalist in Silicon Valley) and
others - that the material was the real thing;
that's not true.
The mannequin at left wears another old
variety of "sanitary panties" (more here) designed to
hold a pad.
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