Read an earlier discussion of this:
What did European and American women use for menstruation in the
19th century and before?

Part 2: Some facts about European
underwear, 1700 - 1900, and its relationship
to what women used for menstruation
(Part 1, Part 3)
Two tubes of cloth
joined at the waist and open in the crotch
formed the earliest women's underpants,
around 1800, and remained roughly so until
about 1900 - see below and here, where I show a drawing
of an American pair in this museum.


Front of underpants for
a doll, about 1830.
Back of same underpants,
showing open crotch. From "Zur
Geschichte der Unterwäsche 1700-1960."
next (last part, part 3)
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