Dutch Tampax ad
from 1938 - A German
o.b. ad (early 1950s) - An Amira tampon ad from
about 1950, Germany


The Museum of Menstruation and Women's
"To be opened
only by women"
Tampax brochure, Germany, probably
early 1950s
The American company that made the
Tampax tampon had put ads in European
publications before World War II (see
a Dutch ad
from 1938) but apparently gave up as
the war approached. They resumed after
the fighting was over. The brochure
below probably appeared in the early
1950s after both o.b. and Amira tampons
- and maybe others? - appeared in
Whether just a marketing device or
an attempt to keep non-women eyes off
the pages, a
seal closed each brochure!
Stamped on the seal was "Nur von Frauen zu
�ffnen" - "To be opened only by
women"! For years Camelia
pads, an early German disposable,
posted signs in stores that instructed
women to ask a female sales clerk for
its product and even put slips of
paper in each box that a woman could
give the clerk to spare embarrassing
words. An American ad
also wanted no male eyes looking at
Don't laugh! Look at the similar way
the American Modess in the 1920s
allowed women to buy pads at the store
with a Silent
Purchase slip.
By the way, the green woman looks
like the Austrian-German actress Romy
Schneider, but she would have been
just a young teenager at the time.
Dutch Tampax
ad from 1938 - A roughly
contemporary German
o.b. ad (early 1950s) - German Amira
brochure, early 1950s
A Dutchman generously sent these

At far left:
The paper projecting from the side
of the page is part of the seal
closing the leaflet. See the
interesting other side, below.
My (Harry Finley's) translation:
two left-hand pages]
"The complete TAMPAX
consists of a tampon of
compressed medical-grade
cotton 4.45 cm long, which
rests in a telescoping tube
(two tubes easily sliding
into each other) - the
so-called applicator, which
is sterile. The TAMPAX
applicator was the first to
allow the correct insertion
of the tampon into the
vagina without one's
directly touching the tampon
itself. The applicator
serves only to insert the
tampon in a simple and
hygienic way and is
destroyed after use.
Any odor is prevented by the
strong capillary effect
(absorption ability) of the
long-fiber cotton plug that
the tampon is made of, which
internally absorbs the
discharge. A string that
repels moisture is securely
bound to the tampon and
allows easy removal and
offers protection against
the ripping of the tampon.
(It's not necessary to
remove TAMPAX before
urination and a bowel
movement. The impregnated
string doesn't absorb
moisture.) The TAMPAX
tampon, even though so
small, absorbs as much as a
regular pad and needs to be
changed just as often.
Towards the end of the
period the tampon can be
worn up to 12 hours but
never longer. Each pack has
adequate instructions about
the exact way to use TAMPAX.
When you use TAMPAX for the
first time you must read and
follow the instructions so
that its advantages and ease
will be completely effected
for you.
What does the doctor say
about Tampax?
"Tampax tampons reduce
the mental tension and
physical unpleasantness that
often accompany
"The TAMPAX tampon expands
to completely fill the
vagina but doesn't cause
pressure or rubbing and
guarantees complete
absorption during normal
menstruation. TAMPAX doesn't
block menstruation, it
absorbs it."
"TAMPAX tampon has proved
itself in the treatment of
women's diseases and has
been successfully used by
doctors and other medical
personnel in postpartum
"TAMPAX tampons are
manufactured under strict
medical supervision
according to a process that
has been used for fifteen
German TAMPAX Corporation
recommends in its
brochures and instructions
that all unmarried women
and girls seek the advice
of a doctor before using.
The world brand Tampax
Perfection of Women's
The original Tampax tampon
with applicator

At left, red
"Nur von Frauen zu �ffnen": "To be opened only
by women"
The internal
TAMPAX hygiene
means a fundamental change of
women's hygiene that removes
all the previous bothersome
and embarrassing accompanying
effects. TAMPAX gives every
women the possibility of
experiencing menstruation as a
normal and healthy bodily
function during which they can
move and feel unhindered.
years ago
America a gynecologist
[actually an osteopath
general practitioner
developed it - read a short
history here] developed
TAMPAX based on the medical
tampon. TAMPAX is based on
the internal absorption of
the menstrual discharge.
Clinical tests and medical
experiments have confirmed
all the advantages of
tampons and shown that the
use of TAMPAX is completely
harmless to the body. This
scientific basis is with all
the other advantages the
cause of the great success
that TAMPAX has had
of women
all over the world have gone
exclusively to internal
tampons after having been
convinced of the complete
safety and simple use of the
insertion method. They would
never want to do without the
considerable advantages and
ease of TAMPAX.
German TAMPAX Corporation
which takes advantage of 15
years of experience and
knowledge in this field, now
brings TAMPAX out in
Germany. We didn't start
until we could offer the
same guarantee of the
original TAMPAX because the
field of women's medicine
presumes conscientiousness
and must never be a matter
of careless experimentation.
original TAMPAX pack
contains tampons for an
average month's use that is
easily carried in any
handbag. Besides that, each
tampon is hygienically
enclosed in a sealed paper
wrapping so that you can
also carry single tampons in
an evening bag.
well-groomed woman
will be extremely thankful
for this success of medical
experimentation and modern
hygiene that Tampax stands
for. It's important for you
to know that all external
and visible protection and
attachment encumbrances
disappear forever through
the internal use of Tampax.
The first time you try
TAMPAX you will see how
TAMPAX will make many daily
things easy for you. The
first time you use TAMPAX will
clearly show you how TAMPAX
will make many situations in
your everyday life
considerably easier.
Especially the following: your
daily bath that you now can
take unencumbered and that in
these days is especially
refreshing and which will
increase your well being. Now
you can wear many kinds of
clothing unhindered that you
previously had to be careful
with. Now you can feel safe
wearing bathing suits to
evening clothes thanks to
TAMPAX. The unaccustomed
well-being you feel makes it
possible to pursue your
housework or job with your
usual intensity. You can
accept any invitation, don't
have to miss any dance, and
can play any sports. You don't
have to interrupt your usual
life. This assures you all
that: TAMPAX, perfection of
women's hygiene.
the red seal] To
be opened only by women
Dutch Tampax
ad from 1938 - A roughly contemporary
German o.b.
ad (early 1950s) - An Amira tampon
ad from about 1950, Germany
� 2006 Harry Finley. It is illegal
to reproduce or distribute work on
this Web site in any manner or medium
without written permission of the
author. Please report suspected
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