Read a Personal Products booklet for older
girls from about this time, The Periodic Cycle
(1938). See similar
booklets on this site.
Booklets menstrual
hygiene companies made for girls, women and
teachers - patent
medicine - a list
of books and articles about menstruation - videos
See a Kotex ad
advertising a Marjorie May booklet.
See many more similar booklets.
See ads for
menarche-education booklets: Marjorie May's Twelfth
Birthday (Kotex, 1932), Tampax
tampons (1970, with Susan Dey), Personal Products
(1955, with Carol Lynley), and German o.b. tampons (lower
ad, 1981)
And read Lynn Peril's series
about these and similar booklets!
Read the full text of the 1935 Canadian edition
of Marjorie May's Twelfth Birthday, probably
identical to the American edition.
More ads for teens (see also introductory page for
teenage advertising): Are
you in the know?
(Kotex napkins and Quest napkin powder, 1948,
U.S.A.), Are
you in the know?
(Kotex napkins and belts, 1949, U.S.A.)Are you in the know? (Kotex napkins, 1953, U.S.A.),
Are you in the know? (Kotex napkins and belts,
1964, U.S.A.), Freedom
(1990, Germany), Kotex (1992, U.S.A.), Pursettes (1974, U.S.A.), Pursettes (1974, U.S.A.), Saba (1975, Denmark)
See early tampons
and a list of tampon
on this site - at least the ones I've cataloged.

Facts for Women [puberty &
menstruation], (p. 17),
by Richard J. Lambert, Ph.G.
["graduate pharmacist," according to
an e-mailer], M.D. (booklet, 1936,
Padell Book Company, 830 Broadway,
New York [U.S.A.])
The doctor says the odor of menses
is similar to that of the marigold, a
flower. I wonder if the French writer
Colette ever wrote her opinion. (Read
more about menstrual odor and what
menstrual odor really is.)
Here's an example of the washable
sanitary napkin mentioned below.
Kotex - see the first ad
- was the earliest successful
disposable pad in the U.S.A., and
appeared in 1921. The writer hints
that women then - and now - still made their own
pads. Dr. Lambert also
recommends sanitary napkin powder.

NEXT - cover pages 15 16 18
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