(U.S.A., Kotex, 1930s-1940s) first succesful Kotex
tampon - tampon
box (about 1937) - ad - many newspaper
ads, 1935-59. And
I had a cat named Fibs (more cats).
theatrical tampon (U.S.A., 1930s-1940s?)
Tampons (with an applicator), box,
(U.S.A., late 1930s? - 1940s?) box,
non-applicator tampons, witty comments

Women, early tampon for
menstruation, cellulose in cotton
gauze, early 1930s?
The Sealtex
Company, Chicago, Illinois,
I thank Procter & Gamble
for donating this box!
The opened box. It arrived holding
11 tampons although there was room
for another; I suspect someone at
Procter & Gamble removed one.
The box does not say how many are
inside. You can see the duplicate
sheets of instructions peeking out
above the the top row of 'pons.
None of the tampons emerged
There are two sheets of identical
instructions in the box printed
front and back; you see the back
of one sheet and the front of the
other. They measure 2 3/8 x 2 1/8"
(6 x 8 cm). Compare to the fax
and Nunap instructions!
NEXT 1 2 3 4
(U.S.A., Kotex, 1930s-1940s) first succesful
Kotex tampon - tampon &
box (about 1937) - ad - many
newspaper ads, 1935-59.
And I had a cat named Fibs (more cats). || LOX
theatrical tampon (U.S.A.,
1930s-1940s?) Tampons (with an
applicator), box, instructions.||
(U.S.A., late 1930s? - 1940s?)
box, non-applicator tampons, witty
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