Midol booklet for adults (selections),
Midol ads, 1911-1961
Midol tin containers for pills, 1911-1970s?
See Kurb, Midol's competitor from Kotex.
Spalt pain tablets, 1936 (in Nazi

 Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health Former museum - future - visit to the museum comic strip
Ad for Libresse Triple Protection menstrual pads Netherlands, March 2016 With Madi McKay in the instore magazine "Boodschappen" (grocery) of the supermarket chain Plus
| Copycats! Almost like Buddy following Lunch Box everywhere. They sleep in each other's arms (legs?), share dinner, and beat each other up - just playing, of course. Buddy idolizes LB, the older man, er, fatcat.
And an effective ad is worth copying. Showing someone well known willing to do what you see below - well, grab her!
The prolific Dutch donor of printed material and this ad to the museum - Thank you again! - said he was struck by a similarity while looking at a magazine from the grocery store. Does the ad purposely imitate the one below it? Few would remember the series Cathy Rigby animated for Stayfree pads decades ago so the ad agency felt safe. But the axes of the legs are identical, or almost. Model Madi McKay appears elsewhere including at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BY9mk2_yj6A
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Below: Size unknown but probably about 8x11"
| Below: my translation:
|  | SCA Care of Life [in English]
Triple Protection [in English]
Always protected no matter how active you are
Perfect fit Anti-leak borders Quick-absorbing center Because you'll feel safe like Madi during your period no matter what you do.
[Far left] Madi McKay trapeze artist Meet Madi on facebook.com/ libresseNL
Live fearless [of course]
Below: Olympic gymnast Cathy
Rigby's legs form almost the same angle as McKay's, close to 45 degrees. Both
women's crotches are exposed to demonstrate that wearing the pad is
safe. The gymnast also performed acrobatic moves in a long career as Peter Pan on the stage. |  | The red lines show the women's legs forming very close to a 45 degree angle with the horizontal. Did the 2016 ad copy the one from 1982, below?
|  |
|  |  | Above: In the 1930s-40s the American Lox Theatrical Tampon gave stage performers security - I hope. As in the other two ads, her legs are spread and exposed to the audience. A woman also danced in the New York Times for Modess tampons a decade or so after Lox.
| Above: Part of the instructions for Lox. When pads were bulkier, companies sold tampons partly to enable women to play sports comfortably - or at all - wear swim suits, or even leave the house.
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