COMPARE THIS FOLDER with an ad for Kotex
pads, belts, & Marjorie May puberty education booklet
in a never-used American 1930s sewing pattern
for womens sports trousers.
Kotex doesn't show! 3 ads for Kotex menstrual
pads, 1927, 1932, 1955 (U.S.A.)


Kotex products shown in 6-page folder, 1996, U.S.A.
tampon, pad, sanitary napkin, panty, panties, belt, menstruation,
menstrual cycle, women, health
I don't know where women found this folder - in boxes of Kotex pads?
Other companies produced such folders -
Modess pads, for example.
Of course general merchandise catalogs
often also sold zillions of menstrual products - Butler
Brothers was one.
Below: The 2 sides of the 6-page folder.
Each of the glossy pages measures 4 x 9 1/4" (10 x 23.4 cm).
When folded up, the first page is the woman's face
(below right).
This opens to the pages in the top row, below, starting with
"Kotex" at left.
The back page is the far left page in the bottom
Click on the small pictures to see enlargements.
Below: Kotex and menstruation seem to weigh
on the cover girl, er, woman. Maybe because she's on the cover of a menstruation
products folder for the next 10 million years
for everyone to see?
with an ad for Kotex pads, belts, & Marjorie May puberty education
in a never-used American 1930s sewing pattern for
womens sports trousers.
© 2010 Harry Finley. It is illegal to reproduce or distribute any
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