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Kotex Ultrathin ad for girls, The
Netherlands, 2000
Kotex hoort bij mij ("Kotex belongs to
me [Maud]")
magazine | What's with hair?
Taking her place in a long history of Kotex ads directed at teens, "Maud" plays with her hair like "Julie" does in a similar pitch.
Maybe it's to emphasize their girlishness.
Margot van Mulken kindly sent me
this ad, one of scores, along with
many photocopies of Dutch ads, as part
of her research for her article "De
van maandverband: De ontwikkeling van
retoriek in tijdschriftadvertenties"
(The Packaging of of Menstrual Pads:
The Development of Rhetoric in
Magazine Advertising) in Tidschift
voor Genderstudies (Journal of
Gender Studies),
See another
one she sent me, from
1998. |
Below: The page measures 8 1/2 x 10 3/4" (21.6 x 27.3 cm)
| My translation, below:
|  | (advertisement)
Kotex belongs to me
Name: Maud Age: 14
Favorite color: Red Crazy about: Fires and Pizza Favorite subject in school: English Always in my bag: diary, books, pen, hair brush, keys, and ... Kotex Ultrathin.
[The text below is the same as another "hair" ad.] You only want things that suit you, no matter where you are. Therefore Kotex has an ultrathin sanitary napkin for you. You don't feel it, see it, and it protects great. Try it. You certainly won't want anyhing else.
Kotex Ultrathin: Much more
than just protection.
� 2016 Harry Finley. It is illegal to reproduce or distribute any
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