See ads
for teenagers. See the cover of the "Very
Personally Yours" booklet this ad offers.
Kotex ad from 1960.
you are 10, Kotex menarche &
puberty booklet published the year before
the copyright of this box.


Ad for the Kotex menstrual
napkins Not
a shadow of a doubt
campaign (U.S.A.,
Kotex ran
many ads (see a similar
one compared with an earlier
Modess ad ) for its Not a shadow of
a doubt ad campaign,
expressing a favorite theme: concealment of
menstruation. At least one
other Kotex campaign had this
theme: the Phantom
series from the 1930s.
The photographer with model
below recalls the long
series of fancy ads for
Modess pads that some prominent
photographers shot, using some
models with famous names.
See ads
for teenagers. See the cover of
the "Very Personally Yours"
booklet this ad offers.
The ad measures 10 1/2 x 14"(26.7
x 35.6 cm)
for teenagers.
See the cover of
the "Very Personally Yours"
booklet this ad offers.
� 2015 Harry Finley. It is
illegal to reproduce or distribute
work on this Web site in any
manner or
medium without written permission
of the author. Please report
suspected violations to [email protected]