See a Polish
ad for Libresse and a Dutch bus-stop ad,
2006 - See a very early Tampax.
menstrual hygiene companies made for girls,
women and teachers - patent
medicine - a list
of books and articles about menstruation - videos

The former brick-and-mortar
Museum of Menstruation
Kotex Ultrathin ad for girls, The
Netherlands, 2000
Kotex hoort bij mij ("Kotex belongs to
conquered the world!
So why didn't an even
earlier German toss-away pad
beat the American to the hearts
- well, maybe that's not the
right word - of women
My guess is advertising
and entrepreneurial spirit.
Not that many other brands in
other countries (and in the
U.S.) did not succeed
and flourish today. But
Kotex even absorbed the oldest
remaining German menstrual pad,
In order to press home the case
that girls can use Kotex even
when exercising -
shifting and falling pads have
always been a problem - this ad
and at least one
other Dutch ad placed the
(different) model in a gym. Compare
the equipment: it might even
be the same gym!
Margot van Mulken kindly sent me
this ad, one of scores, along with
many photocopies of Dutch ads, as part
of her research for her article "De
van maandverband: De ontwikkeling van
retoriek in tijdschriftadvertenties"
(The Packaging of of Menstrual Pads:
The Development of Rhetoric in
Magazine Advertising) in Tidschift
voor Genderstudies (Journal of
Gender Studies),
See another
one she sent me, from
The page measures 8 1/2 x 10
3/4" (21.6 x 27.3 cm).

More recent Camelia,
Kotex belongs to me
Name: Julie
Age: 14
Favorite color: Blue
Crazy about: Bamisoep (an
Indonesian food; Indonesia used
to be a Dutch colony)
Favorite hobbies: Tae Bo
fitness routine and texting
Always in my sports bag:
Diary, cell phone, makeup,
rubber bands, towel, keys and
... Kotex Ultrathin.
You only want things that suit
you, no matter where you are.
Therefore Kotex has an ultra
thin sanitary napkin for you.
You don't feel it, see it, and
it protects great. Try it. You
certainly won't want anything
Kotex Ultrathin: Much more
than just protection.
� 2015 Harry Finley. It is illegal
to reproduce or distribute any of the
work on this Web site in any manner or
medium without written permission of
the author. Please report suspected
violations to [email protected]