More humor in
advertising: Simplicity Freedom ads
(British): September 1990
- May 1991 - October 1991 - Freedom
Confetti (French): October
1990 - box of
Freedom tampons (German): 1991 - Dr. White's tampons
See a 3-D Dr White's ad,
an ad contest for Dr
White's and wearing Dr White's with a thong.

Funny British ad
but not for menstrual pads or tampons
I leave the menstrual shores to show
the pervasiveness of humor - it's
strong stuff! - in some British
publications. The ad below is on the
reverse of the left page of the Dr. White's
tampon ad for June 1987.

See a 3-D Dr White's ad
and an ad contest
for Dr White's. More humor in advertising:
Simplicity Freedom ads
(British): September 1990
- May 1991 - October 1991 - Freedom
Confetti (French): October
1990 -
box of Freedom
tampons (German): 1991 - Dr.
White's tampons (1987)
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