Actress Susan
Dey and two ads for Tampax
menstrual tampons (below is ad #2;
see #3)
Susan Dey, an American television
(L.A. Law, The Partridge Family) and
movie actress, was a teenage model,
and appeared in the ads below probably
in 1969 or 1970 for Tampax (magazines
unknown). See more information and
pictures of Dey.
An official of Tambrands, who
visited MUM with her son and a member
of the company advertising staff, was
surprised to learn that Dey had once
appeared in a Tampax ad - actually, at
least three (see the first add here.)
By the way, this official, Dr.
Iris Prager, the manager of North
American education for the company,
e-mailed me in November 2000 when I
was preparing for a television
debate, writing,
"You don't
have to actually experience
menstruation to understand how it
works physiologically or to
educate about it."
She was president-elect of the
American Association for Health
Education. Some people have said I
could not run a museum or Web site
about menstruation if I did not
experience it myself (I'm male).
Tambrands, before Procter &
Gamble bought it, generously gave
this museum many
items from its archives. Then
P&G gave even more!
pictures, long download!


Enlargements of Dey's face and
unmistakable mouth from the

The right-hand
ad text, above Dey's head,
"My sunfish solo
was not a total success."
The little silly!
See the third ad. See
the first one, on the
main Dey page.
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Finley. It is illegal to reproduce or
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