See also Australian douche ad
(ca. 1900) - Fresca
douche powder (U.S.A.) (date ?) - Kotique douche liquid
ad, 1974 (U.S.A.) - Liasan
(1) genital wash ad, 1980s (Germany) - Liasan (2) genital wash
ad, 1980s (Germany) - Lysol
douche liquid ad, 1928 (U.S.A.) - Lysol douche liquid ad,
1948 (U.S.A.) - Marvel
douche liquid ad, 1928 (U.S.A.) - Midol menstrual pain
pill ad, 1938 (U.S.A.) - Midol
booklet (selections), 1959 (U.S.A.) - Mum deodorant cream ad,
1926 (U.S.A.) - Myzone
menstrual pain pill, 1952 (Australia) - Pristeen genital spray
ad, 1969 (U.S.A.) - Spalt
pain tablets, 1936 (Germany) - Sterizol douche liquid
ad, 1926 (U.S.A.) - Vionell
genital spray ad, 1970, with Cheryl Tiegs
(Germany) - Zonite
douche ad, 1928 (U.S.A.)
See a Modess True or
False? ad in The American Girl magazine,
January 1947, and actress Carol
Lynley in "How Shall I Tell My Daughter"
booklet ad (1955) - Modess
. . . . because ads (many dates).

Constipation in The Intimate Side of a Woman's
by Leona W. Chalmers (1937, Pioneer
Publications, Inc.,
Radio City, New York)
Mrs. Chalmers discusses bad toilets
and toilet seats as well as
constipation, which seems to have been
of epidemic proportions at that time -
and maybe before. During the first
half of the century, Dr. E. V.
McCollum, in Wisconsin (U.S.A.) and
later at the Johns Hopkins University
(Baltimore, U.S.A.), had discovered
vitamins A and D and rediscovered the
importance of vegetables in the diet,
and wrote a popular column in McCall's
magazine from 1922 to 1946 explaining
food and nutrition. This included, of
course, vegetables' effects on
preventing constipation.
director of the cytology section
of a state public health
department kindly donated the
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