Menstruation Festival in Germany,
1988. One-sheet announcement in
German with English translation. Possibly a
commercial undertaking (for a dance teacher)"Frauen gemeinsam,"
("Common to women" comic strip), about menstrual
sychronization, Germany, Brigitte magazine,
"Single," (comic strip) the
Netherlands, 31 October 2005, by Hanco Kolk and Peter de Wit "Appears Monthly"
("Verschijnt maandeliks"), newspaper
article about & one-page announcement of
Dutch menstruation exhibit, 1982, with English
translations"Sylvia" (comic strip by Nicole Hollander, U.S.A.), about this museum (5 August 1995)More miscellaneous

 Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health home Former museum - future - visit to the museum comic strip
Catamenia The newsletter of the Museum of Menstruation (MUM) mid 1990s 3 issuesBelow: Summer 1996 issue, first 2 pages of 8 only.
| Read the introduction to these newsletters.
Below: The first page of the Summer 1996 issue.
I created this Web site on the now forgotten Adobe PageMill. It was easy to use but lacked today's advanced abilities. After losing it in a hard-drive crash years ago I downloaded freeware that was similar, which is how I now make these Web pages.
|  | Below: Page 2 of the Summer 1996 issue.
|  | End. Catamenia: Summer 1995 (first 2 pages), Fall 1995 (all 8 pages), Summer 1996 (first 2 pages)
� 2016 Harry Finley. It is illegal to reproduce or distribute any
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