If you create or own art concerning
menstruation or menopause and are interested in
showing it on thesepages (it's free!), contact MUM
Marie Claire magazine (Italian
edition) featured several of the above artists in an article about this museum
and menstruation in 2003. The newspaper Corriere della
Sera (Io Donna magazine) (Milan, Italy) and the
magazine Dishy (Turkey) showed some of the artists in
2005 in articles about this museum.

The Art of Menstruation at the Museum of Menstruation
and Women's Health

"The Goddess," while the blood
is still wet.
She painted these pictures after a doctor
diagnosed her with a double
uterus (her doctor's drawing is below) which
frequently means infertility.
"The Goddess," after the blood
has dried.

"The Goddess," sitting.
All images copyrighted 2003
Austrian high school student Elvira, who
lives in Vienna, sent these pictures on paper
painted with her menstrual blood. [After she
graduated and started studying medicine, she
sent a Libresse
ad. There she talks about how taboo
menstruation and other subjects are in
Catholic Poland, where she was born.]
Here's what she says about herself, her
pictures and this museum (I translate excerpts
from the German e-mails, which follow):
Dear Harry,
First I would like to mention that I find
your [Web] pages very inventive and full of
information =). Especially great is the idea
of finding old ads and showing how they've
changed through the years! I've really
enjoyed your virtual museum!
I'm an 18-year-old high school student
[the top high schools in Germany and
Austria, and probably elsewhere in Europe,
last a year longer than in the U.S.A.,
corresponding roughly to the freshman
college year in America], live in Vienna,
and stumbled on your site last night while
looking for toxic shock information on the
'Net. I'm neither a professional artist nor
have much time to devote to artistic
activities, but I love to paint and have
already painted two pictures with menstrual
blood and would like to make my contribution
to the Internet exhibit.
Please send me a short e-mail if you're
interested in seeing my work. [I love the
German language adoption of the English word
to use for sending e-mail: mailen {read her
e-mail, below}. German, just as English once
did from French and does from many other
languages, has taken in many English words
recently, especially for pop culture and
technology. The English parliament -
"parliament" comes from French - spoke
French early in its history, and French was
once widespread as the world's diplomatic
language, which still retains many French
expressions (détente, for example). Oops, I
mean Freedom
Lieber Harry,
Zu allererst möchte ich erwähnen, dass ich
Ihre Seite sehr einfallsreich und
informationsreich finde =) Vor allem die
Idee, alte Werbearitkel herauszusuchen und
zu präsentieren wie sie sich im Laufe der
Zeit verändern ist wirklich bewundernswert!
Ich habe Ihr "virtuelles" Museum sehr
Ich bin eine 18jährige Schülerin, wohne in
Wien, und bin gestern Abend auf ihre Seite
gestoßen während ich im Netz nach
Formationen über Tss gesucht habe. Ich bin
weder eine "professionele" Künstlerin, noch
habe ich besonders viel Zeit meinen
"künstlerischen Tätigkeiten" nachzugehen,
doch ich male sehr gerne und habe bereits 2
Bilder mit Menstruationsblut gemalt, und
würde gerne zum Aufbau dieser
Internetausstellung meinen Teil beitragen.
Ich bitte Sie, mir kurz zu mailen falls Sie
Interesse hätten meine Werke zu sehen.
Liebe Grüße
Dear Harry,
.... Two photos [the top two on this
page] show the same picture in wet and dry
condition. I found it interesting to see
how blood changed color as it dried.
I take it that you want to know about my
artistic education, but I haven't any. I
can only say that I've liked to paint to
reduce stress and relax.
Painting with menstrual blood is new for
me. I started one and a half weeks ago
because I had negative feeling about my
pelvis (after the diagnosis of a double
uterus; I've forgotten the medical name
for it) that I wanted to get rid of.
[Double uterus is a condition in which,
during pregnancy, the non-pregnant uterus
might still menstruate, which can be
mistaken for a miscarriage or abortion,
which often occurs anyway. But a double
uterus - see the illustration, below - can
by itself mean infertility. Sometimes the
woman has a double vagina, sometimes even
a double vulva. {This information is from
Gynaecology Illustrated, by Govan, Hodge
and Callander, New York, 1985.}] The
pictures represent for me very strong and
positive representations of the Goddess.
[Elvira wanted to cut open her abdomen and
get rid of her abnormality, but settled
for painting instead]
Because I got rid of at least some of my
negative feelings in this way I hope to
have more opportunity in the future to
paint similar pictures.
I hope you like them!
The original German lies beneath the
next drawing.

Elvira has a double uterus, the
red lines, which is due to a failure of
development while she herself was in the
uterus. Her doctor told her that 15-20 percent
of women have a double uterus, but one of
these wombs is small in half of the women,
unlike Elvira's. (I added the red words; the
rest is part of the doctor's note pad.
"Eierstöcke" means "ovaries" in German. Her
doctor drew this.
Lieber Harry,
.... Zwei [Bilder] davon zeigen ein und
dasselbe Bild im ungetrockneten und
getrockneten Zustand. Ich fand es
interessant zu sehen wie Blut die Farbe
ändert wenn es trocknet.
Ich nehme an Sie möchten etwas über meinen
künstlerischen Werdegang erfahren, doch da
ich keine Ausbildung oder ähnliches in
dieser Richtung besitze, kann ich eigentlich
nur sagen dass ich schon immer gerne gemalt
habe um mich zu entspannen und um Stress
Allerdings ist mir das Malen mit
Menstruationsblut relativ neu. Ich habe es
erst vor einenhalb Wochen versucht, weil ich
negative Gefühle, die ich meinem Unterbauch
gegenüber aufgebaut habe ( nach der Diagnose
von einer Doppelten Gebärmutter , ich weiß
leider den medizinischen Ausdruck nicht
mehr) abbauuen wollte. Die Bilder stellen
für mich sehr stark und positiv wirkende
Göttinengestalten dar.
Da ich zumindest einen Teil von meinen
negativen Einstellungen auf diesem Wege
losgeworden bin, hoffe ich auch in Zukunft
noch mehr Gelegenheiten zu haben diese Art
von Bildern zu malen.
Ich hoffe sie gefallen Ihnen!
Liebe Grüße
See menstrual blood pictures from another
Viennese, Petra
Paul, and read an interview
with her in the Neue Welt (New World)
newspaper. See the menstrual blood pictures
of the vulva of the American artist Tamara Wyndham
and her performance
NEXT artist: Anne Encephalon
See all the artists
in the links in the left-hand column.
If you create or own art concerning
menstruation or menopause and are interested
in showing it on thesepages (it's free!),
contact MUM
© 2003 Harry Finley. It is illegal
to reproduce or distribute work on this Web
site in any manner or medium without written
permission of the author. Please report
suspected violations to [email protected]