See a Polish
ad for Libresse and a Dutch bus-stop ad,
2006 - See a very early Tampax.
menstrual hygiene companies made for girls,
women and teachers - patent
medicine - a list
of books and articles about menstruation - videos

The Museum of Menstruation and Women's
Ad for Always Ultra menstrual pads,
United Kingdom
ca. 1990s-2000s
magazine (print edition shut down in
2011 after
the Web destroyed its circulation)
Finally, after
a Dutch
version - and another Dutch
version! - Oh, wait!
Here's another Dutch
version! - we see an ad in the
series in the language of the
parent company, Procter &
How do you know it's the U.K.
version, not the American
version? The word brilliant
in the text. That word jolted
me when an English woman
interviewing me by phone years
ago kept saying it without the
enthusiasm I normally
associated with it and in
unusual contexts. Can't the
English correctly speak their
own language?
Oh, and of course the London
Zoo is in, um, London.
The stain you hadn't seen
until just now - it's most
obvious on the left side of
the panties - came from water
seeping through the wall of my
basement, not from the
tiger. I've since moved the
vast majority of the museum
archives to a dry place
outside the house.
Margot van Mulken kindly sent me
this ad, one of scores, along with
many photocopies, as part of her
research for her article "De
van maandverband: De ontwikkeling van
retoriek in tijdschriftadvertenties"
(The Packaging of of Menstrual Pads:
The Development of Rhetoric in
Magazine Advertising) in Tidschift
voor Genderstudies (Journal of
Gender Studies),
See another
one she sent me, from
The trimmed page measures 8 1/8
x 11" (20.6 x 27.9 cm)
and has been trimmed further
because of damage.
� 2015 Harry Finley. It is illegal
to reproduce or distribute any of the
work on this Web site in any manner or
medium without written permission of
the author. Please report suspected
violations to [email protected]