See ads for Pursettes:
September 1972 (letter
testimonial) - August
1973 (letter testimonial) - February 1974 (cartoon
story) - August 1974
(cartoon story) - October
1974 (cartoon story)

Slim-pax menstrual
tampon, U.S.A., 1950s-1960s?
Someone, probably
from Tambrands, wrote "c. 1961" on
the other
side of these instructions for
Slim-pax, probably indicating when
it was made or when Tambrands
received it. The underline of the
word "right" on the reverse also
stems from Tambrands. (This sheet is
part of the generous gift from
Tambrands to this museum.) No
manufacturer's name appears on this
sheet, although it seems American.

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