Howard Stern to "Interview" MUM
Tune in to the Howard Stern radio program about 7:30
Monday morning, 4 May, to hear the New York author and radio/TV host
grill the founder of this museum - me - about
why he did such a suspicious thing as start a museum about - oh, I can't
say it!
They will film both the interview and a tour of the museum for later
Howard, please don't be stern with me!
I recently saw an old Jack Paar Tonight
television program with Billy Graham, the preacher, who explained his presence
there by saying "even Christ walked among the
publicans [tax collectors!]
and sinners."
If I survive the walk - I'm not Christ, so I may not - I will have introduced
some listeners to the amazing history of menstruation and women's health,
and some millionaire might say, "What a great
idea! I'd like to fund it!" That would be more than worth all
the trouble.
A woman in my office I admire, and who likes Mr. Stern, said many corporate
women listen to the program; she actually said over
half the audience is female. I will have at least some
sympathetic listeners.
I've never heard the program, and two years ago I didn't respond to
two phone calls from its producer, having just been clobbered by radio and
TV interviewers.
But I have progressed in a pushup regimen, and
even though Mr. Stern is bigger than me, I can hold on to his ankle!
Wish me luck!
The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
of Spain Likes Your MUM
Last week I received this flattering e-mail from Barcelona, Spain:
Dear Sirs:
A link to your Web page has been incorporated into the SEGO-Internet
monthly bulletin, published in electronic format by the Society of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists of Spain (SEGO).
You can visit the comment about your Web page at:
Congratulations for your job and go ahead with
your Internet projects.
Best regards from Spain.
Francisco L. Romero, MD, SEGO-Internet Working Group.
OB-Gyn Department, Hospital General de Catalunya.
Spanish International Representative in OBGYN.net
Barcelona, Spain
Menstrual extraction is a way to have your period within one
day. It requires a suction device, and
sometimes inserting a rod into the uterus, and therefore is potentially
dangerous. The Web
page above shows this method. See a patent
for another type of menstrual extractor.
The Smithsonian Defends Its Difficult Exhibits
The Washington Post wrote on 22 April about a new exhibit in the National
Museum of American History, part of the Smithsonian Institution, showing
awful working conditions in some shops of the
garment industry in the U.S.A.
At the start of the displays, some text explains why the museum dared
create such a show (I take it from the Post):
[The mission of a history museum is to] interpret
difficult, unpleasant, or controversial episodes, not out of any desire to embarrass, be unpatriotic,
or cause pain, but out of a responsibility
to convey a fuller, more inclusive history.
In addition, I think that a museum has the responsibility to display
noncontroversial aspects of its chosen subject
- but no one contests that, except maybe for menstruation!
I bring this up because of the Judy Chicago
print in the Art of Menstruation exhibit I included last week. A few people
told me they find it objectionable, which I anticipated.
More Letters to Your MUM
The Feminine Principle
Hi there,
Just writing to tell you of my site that should be included in your
It's the Feminine Principle and it explores the relationship between
women, their blood cycles and the moon, incorporating a holistic approach
to the art of menstruation!
E-mail from Stanford University discusses menstrual cups:
Thank you for providing such a treasure trove of information for women.
[You're welcome!] I really enjoyed browsing through your site.
As for what I think about Instead - I
love it! I just wish I'd found out about it sooner. Due to insertion problems,
I cannot use tampons; and since my periods always come during vacations
involving swimming, it was an annoying limitation. Today was my first time
using Instead, and I still can't believe how easy it was to insert. I don't
feel it at all now, and there is no leakage. I love it! Incidentally, I
also tried The Keeper; but it was sheer horror
to try to insert it, and I just gave up. I just wish someone would make
a reusable Instead cup - I really like the idea of not contributing to
landfill growth.
© 1998 Harry Finley. It is illegal
to reproduce or distribute work on this Web site in any manner or medium
without written permission of the author. Please report suspected violations
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