"It's about time!!!"
I really didn't pay this e-mailer to say this:
As I sat here looking over your Web site with a feeling of wonder/disgust/pride/amazement
I couldn't help but think "IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!" I've often
wondered what the woman of yesteryear used to conceal her monthly flow.
I guess it's part of my puritanic northern Midwestern upbringing that has
kept me from searching for the answers that your site has given freely.
I thank you for lifting the veil of secrecy that
has shrouded this subject!!!
Read other letters to your MUM.
Japanese are More American Than Americans!
A couple visiting your MUM yesterday said that when visiting Japan, they noticed that women
are paid to stand next to escalators and wipe off the moving railing
with a cloth soaked in antiseptic fluid.
And there is a brand of Japanese tampon which comes with a sheet
of removable plastic coverings for protecting the finger used to
insert a tampon.
My Japanese-American visitors also mentioned a deodorant
for purses almost invented a while ago in the U.S.A. Imagine opening
your purse, ladies, and offending someone with the waft of, well, what?
The pair made the claim, which seems good to me, that
businesses have a big stake in discomfort in society, even to the
extent of creating that discomfort, in order to make money. They mentioned
the writer Vance Packard in this connection.
And companies have little interest in making menstruation less taboo.
A Great Place to Buy The Keeper Menstrual Cup!
Miki Walsh, a member of the board of this museum, also has a very good
deal on The Keeper menstrual cup, which she loves.
Mail her!
Calling All Menstrual Painters, I
A recent visitor to the museum left this request:
I am creating a show on menstruation and menopause, and looking for
work in all media. It can be from a spiritual, cultural, personal, or historical
The show runs 9 - 19 April 1998 at the Pentucket Arts Center, Haverhill,
Massachusetts (U.S.A.).
As soon as you can, contact Amy Shutt, Bradford College, Box 511, Bradford,
MA 01835 (U.S.A.). Phone: (978) 469-1323, or e-mail: [email protected]
I need your work or proposals as soon as possible!
Calling All Menstrual Painters, II!
And here's another request:
Hi, I'm a student from Australia trying to contact some feminist
artists who use menstrual blood as a medium - are you able to help me out?
It would be much appreciated.
© 1998 Harry Finley. It is illegal to reproduce or distribute this
work in any manner or medium without written permission of the author. E-mail:
[email protected]